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Battery operators

Solution for battery operators

Maintaining the grid frequency in a narrow bandwidth around 50 Hz requires instantaneously available power provided by fast generation units. These services are organized and procured via balancing markets (FCR, aFRR, mFRR, RR) operated by the Transmission System Operators (TSO). Batteries have proven the technical feasibility to provide the fastest services (FCR, aFRR) with highest revenue expectations. Nevertheless, the participation of units below 1 MW (or even 5 MW) is not allowed in many markets. To overcome this barrier, small batteries units must be bundled by means of Virtual Battery plants to reach the required minimum bid size. Furthermore, batteries could be utilized for DSO grid management, like voltage control, reverse flows, reactive power, flickers, etc. and on prosumer level for balancing with RES, just to name few.

The CyberGrid platform allows batteries’ flexibility to be utilized on all five power system levels (local, community, DSO, TSO, cross-border) and monetized on different electricity markets (day-ahead, intraday market, balancing, TSO/DSO ancillary services, etc.). It complies with the rules and requirements defined either by market operator, power exchange, TSO or DSO.

Services auto-performed by the CyberGrid’s flexibility management platform:

  • Reliable operation and service delivery. It provides reliable services with redundant state-of-the-art features.
  • Secure data management. It meets security requirements, ensuring data security aspects on all levels.
  • Integration with market platform. It connects to the market platform to exchange data (bids, aggregated baselines, activation triggers, set-points, aggregated measurements, etc.) in both directions.
  • Integration with flexibility units & batteries. It connects to battery management systems via standardized communication protocols or APIs to exchange data (baselines, activation triggers, set-points, measurements, etc.) in both directions.
  • Optimally aggregate flexibility units. It should perform aggregation based on different sets of criteria and objectives in order to meet, one side owner’s business model requirements, and on the other market/TSO/DSO requirements (including N-1 and similar). Furthermore, it should have mechanism to create priority list and place flexibility units in the ascending order by their costs/reliability/activation frequency and pick the most appropriate one when called for activation.
  • Calculate consumption, generation and flexibility forecasts of units. It calculates these forecasts on the unit and pool level with sufficient data granularity and accuracy.
  • Measurement and verification methodology (baseline). It calculates the amount of capacity and energy delivered as flexibility service to different markets according to the its baseline rules.  
  • User interface for administration and operation. It visualizes processes and enable user to operate flexibility platform with a user-friendly interface.

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