InterSTORE project meeting
January 14, 2023
  • Open-source interoperability toolkit
  • Virtualized and hybridized storage technology
  • Integration and monetization of flexibility storage
  • New generation of Energy Management Systems
  • Reduction of electricity costs and ROI increase

InterSTORE aims to tackle the complexities of storage by developing an innovative middleware and virtualizing storage technology. This platform will simplify and facilitate the integration of storage, while creating independence from hardware solutions and enabling the avoidance of vendor lock-in solutions.  

InterSTORE interoperable middleware solution will be tested and validated with the goal of developing testing software and adopting it for interoperability certification in the upcoming future. It will be released as a full open-source product as well as integrated in commercial Energy Management platforms to assure that real adoption will be deployed beyond the termination of the project. It will be deployed in 4 real life demos to enhance the flexibility solution and analyze its economic value and user acceptance.  

The advanced solution considers both new and legacy systems, and it is focused on the impact and its monetization, while it will incentivize investments in storage.

CyberGrid’s role

The award-winning technology CyberNoc will be deployed within the InterSTORE project, and enhanced with interoperability, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) hybridization, and Energy Community software tools.  

In collaboration with EVN, CyberGrid will approach owners of flexible assets, such as consumers and prosumers, and regulate the execution of the use cases. Around 30 residential and small commercial flexible assets in two energy communities are expected to be contracted for its participation in the demonstrations.  

Multiservice and Flexibility Monetization

CyberNoc technology allows a seamless and cost-efficient integration of different types of flexibilities within the same hybridized flexibility portfolio. This allows Commercial and Industrial (C&I) and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to generate new streams of revenues, while it decreases electricity costs and increases the return-on-investment (ROI) of their Distributed Energy Resources (DER).

The features offered by the flexibility management platform will facilitate the deployment of flexibility services both at the European and international level, making it cheaper, and enabling new players to enter the market.  

INTERSTORE Project | Fact Sheet - European Commission

- Coordinator: Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen

- R&D programme: Horizon 2020, Climate Energy and Mobility

- Starting date: 1 January 2023  

- Project end date: 31 December 2025  

- Project duration: 36 months


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº101096511. “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the EU's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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