Green the Flex

Green the Flex project
January 10, 2022
  • New services for consumers enabling the energy transition
  • Bring energy resources to the markets
  • Integrate flexibilities and boost renewables
  • Intelligent electricity load-shifting management
  • Reduce costs and generate new revenues

Green the Flex aims to open the energy and reserve market, provided by the transmission grid operator, to smaller assets. We are talking about around 3000 decentralized devices that will be integrated into a virtual power plant (VPP), such as: heat pumps, heating rod, PVs, battery storage systems, electric vehicles and car charging stations, and other end customer devices. This project will:

-        Unlock the flexibility of about 3000 homes

-        Support mass EV charging control

-        Monetize 5 GWh of flexibility per year

-        Save 3500 tonnes CO2  per year

The VPP can shift demand of 4.4 GWh annually from peak-hours to off-peak hours and make more than 6 MW of power accessible to the grid. The aggregation of flexibilities can diminish the need for fossil fuel peak load plants, while providing ancillary grid services and avoiding greenhouse gas emissions that conventional technologies produce.

The project will drive clean technologies and energy resources towards the market. In fact, it is an innovative project that invites you to be part of the solution, integrating flexibilities and fostering the utilization of renewable energy.

Discover more about Green the Flex: European Commission-Fiche-Green the Flex

CyberGrid’s role

CyberGrid will deploy its Flexibility Management Platform, CyberNoc, enabling its utilization and the monetization of flexibilities. This flexibility aggregation software, that has been awarded multiple times, aims to integrate flexibility from renewables and achieve significant greenhouse gas emission reductions through intelligent electricity load-shifting management.

This project is coordinated by EVN, and it has been possible thanks to the EU Innovation Fund grant. Indeed, EVN will extend the existing demand response pool and aggregate more electrical devices. This is controlled through advanced algorithms and optimized according to the customer’s needs, which creates the opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions and enhance the integration of renewable sources.

Flexibility aggregation to save money and generate new revenues

Active flexibility management in real time optimizes consumption savings and creates new revenue sources, while facilitating the utilization of energy in different markets, beyond the conventional ones. CyberNoc allows you to trade and utilize the flexibilities in the most desired and efficient manner within the following possible supported markets and use-cases:

  • Day-ahead markets
  • Intraday markets
  • Ancillary services markets: Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR), Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR), and Manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR).
  • Congestion management for Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
  • Peak-shaving
  • Increase self-consumption of green energy

A fully integrated solution

This solution is fully integrated vertically and horizontally, which allows you to have all the parameters under control in only one platform, to manage the flexibilities in a more efficient way and optimize their functionalities. It is a cost-effective solution that fosters energy efficiency and renewable generation. What is more, it creates the opportunity to reduce costs and generate new revenues from your energy sources.

The Flexibility Management Platform is used to harmonize the electricity demand with the generation and optimize decentralized units, both time-wise and region-wise, as renewable generation is tied to short-term fluctuations; which can be addressed also in the context of Energy Communities.

Discover more about the presentation of Green the Flex at the 3rd Energy Transformation Summit held on Wed 15th – Fri 17th of March in Berlin.

- Coordinator: EVN

- R&D programme: EU Innovation Fund  

- Starting date: 01 January 2022

- Planned date of entry into operation: 01 March 2025


This project has received funding from the EU Innovation Fund under the grant agreement Nº101038856. “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the EU Innovation Fund. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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