How to support energy storage as the key to increase renewable energy

TALENT project
October 6, 2021
Nicole Klyma and Darja Skrt

CyberGrid Project Manager, Darja Skrt, will be speaking at the Energy Storage Global Conference 2021, focusing on the cost-effective integration of renewables and energy storage systems, in the example of EU-funded project TALENT.

Renewables as an EU Directive

The European Commission has set a challenging directive: To reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by a hefty 55% by the year 2030, and to arrive at zero net emissions by the year 2050. Provided the compliance of all EU member states, this directive is a forward-looking step in cleaning up the electrical grid: The next generation of European citizens will actually experience full climate neutrality, and fossil-fuelled electricity will be a mere memory of the past!Producing electricity from solar power or wind is no longer a favourite pastime for environmental enthusiasts. The decarbonisation of the electrical grid through renewables has become of utmost priority for everyone, making a binding regulation for all EU members necessary. Its urgency is so pressing that violation of the directive will be punished with enormous penalty payments.

Our expert and TALENT Project Manager Darja Skrt will speak about the "Cost-effective Integration of Batteries in the Grid”  

Join us on Wednesday, October 20 at 16:15 CEST !

Batteries for climate neutrality

The transition from carbon-heavy electricity to a clean supply based entirely on renewable energies must take place swiftly, yet without compromising the reliability of electricity supply. To achieve these demanding but pivotal climate goals, energy storage systems represent a key technology, because they turn the unpredictable nature of solar and wind power into a consistent and stable energy pool.In fact, batteries are an excellent resource to utilize the variable renewable energy generation. Their unique ability to quickly respond to the changing supply and demand for electricity make batteries an important vehicle to deliver stability to the grid.

Darja Skrt to present TALENT at EnergyStorage Global Conference

Storage for distribution system operators

While more renewable energy resources are being integrated into the grid to supply carbon-neutral electricity, they also help to satisfy the growing demand for power. Therefore, large aggregators and energy distributors rely increasingly on large-scale battery storage systems as essential elements in their grids, not only to facilitate the decarbonisation of the existing power system, but also to balance the grid. In fact, electricity system operators greatly benefit from storage systems, because the renewable energy stored in the battery can quickly provide support for the reliability of the electricity supply, and to maintain a 50Hz frequency. In other words, batteries allow for renewable energies to achieve their full and multi-purpose potential in the grid.

Promising market for batteries

With the growing demand for energy, the demand for all types of batteries is expected to skyrocket worldwide from 185 GWh in 2020 to over 2,000 GWh by 2030, as forecasted by Statista 2021. Although this sharp increase is largely driven by the ongoing electrification of transport, the growth for stationary energy storage capacity as used in electrical grids is similarly large. So, as Europe aims to be the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050, regional aggregators are increasingly looking to invest in large-scale storage systems.

Energy Storage Global Conference 2021

The Energy Storage Global Conference picks up on this promising market forecast. This 3-day conference represents an excellent opportunity for energy suppliers and battery players to discuss and present the most current storage technologies and markets of the future. Organized by EASE, the European Association for Storage of Energy, the hybrid event will also provide a center stage to showcase innovative applications of battery power in real-life applications and projects. Best practice examples and sessions on regulatory and policy frameworks are particularly relevant to demonstrate the viability and profitability of battery-led endeavours. Visitors and online attendees can learn from actual business cases and benefit from presentations given by industry experts.

About Darja Skrt, CyberGrid speaker at #ESGC2021

Darja Skrt has been working as a Project Manager and Technical Coordinator at CyberGrid GmbH & Co KG since 2019. She specializes in the fields of demand response and electricity markets, with a focus on distributed flexibilities aggregation. In her function at CyberGrid, she plays an active role in the Research and Innovation Technology Department focusing on battery energy storage systems and virtual power plants. In addition, she manages EU-funded project TALENT. Darja holds a B.S. degree in Mathematics from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

CyberGrid at Energy Storage Global Conference

Austrian cleantech company CyberGrid was invited to speak at this Brussels-based conference. As a specialist in the development of innovative Virtual Power Plant (VPP) solutions, CyberGrid technology has been an integral part of multi-national projects connecting batteries and other flexibilities to the energy networks. At the Energy Storage Global Conference, CyberGrid will participate in the discussion on Day 2, focusing on the preconditions and the impact of coupling storage with renewables. In the session entitled “Centralised Storage Systems - How to Support Energy Storage as the Key to Increase Renewable Energy”, CyberGrid Project Manager Darja Skrt will be presenting on the cost-effective integration of batteries into the grid, in the example of EU-funded R&D project TALENT, a project promoting the enrichment of the grid with flexibility from batteries through innovative power electronic architectures.

How batteries are implemented in TALENT                                                            

EU-funded project TALENT will aid the energy transition by increasing the penetration of batteries in the grid through the cost reduction of power electronics for batteries and development of the software managing hybridised decentralised energy systems. When connected to a virtual power plant software, batteries can really materialize the benefits from renewables, as system algorithms smartly optimise the use of battery capacities and dispatch the energy previously stored in times of surplus (sunny and windy days).By means of CyberGrid's modular award-winning flexibility management software (*), the various energy resources plus battery storage systems are pooled into such a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) which can deliver quick and on-demand power from batteries to support the electricity grid when necessary.

“Together with CyberGrid, the EU-funded project TALENT will aid the transformation to a more sustainable energy system with technological advancements and innovative power electronic architectures, particularly benefiting battery operations. ”Darja Skrt, CyberGrid Project Manager for EU-funded R&D project TALENT

Control architecture for cost-effectiveness

In the TALENT framework, VPP specialist CyberGrid together with partner SGRE developed a software architecture to manage energy resources at different power scales (multi-home, district, and utility) while efficiently integrating renewable energies and battery storage devices. Within this solution, CyberGrid also developed a battery digital twin with partner CARTIF, which will be integrated into the VPP in order to better monitor the battery connected to the system. The battery digital twin solution enables a cost-reduction: Based on the data obtained from monitoring, fast ageing of the battery can indeed be prevented, and available battery capacity can be optimized, either for grid balancing or even for the monetization of this asset on ancillary markets.

TALENT pilot sites
In TALENT project, large-scale batteries on four sites are tested with innovative electronic architectures.

Project's accomplishments

TALENT will offer reliable storage equipment at lower price and put the European electric storage market as a frontrunner for the energy transition. This will allow a wide integration of renewable energy generation sources. Here, the technology developed by Austrian cleantech company CyberGrid plays a key role in connecting and optimizing renewable energy assets, battery systems and other resources. The integration of batteries in a cost-effective manner is made possible with TALENT tools. With them, batteries can operate more efficiently, which helps to extend battery life and use of this asset. As a result, aggregators and other battery operators can reap the benefits from their storage system for a longer time, also positively impacting their balance sheet. In addition, extending the life of batteries leads to the saving of natural resources, as replacement of battery units is delayed. Together with TALENT partners, CyberGrid is fully engaged in supporting the European-wide efforts for a greener, carbon-neutral future.

* CyberGrid’s flexibility management platform is the winner of the 2019 Power Network Innovation Award by E.DSO and ENTSO-E

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nr. 864459.
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