MAESHA Project
January 30, 2021
  • Decarbonize the energy systems of six islands
  • Integrate renewable energy sources (RES) and custom-made flexibility services
  • Better grid stability and reduction of the energy costs for households
  • 70% penetration with renewables, reaching more than 90% of Mayotte's population

The project MAESHA is designed to decarbonize the energy systems of six islands in different geographical areas which are currently strained by their dependency on imported fossil fuels from aging power plants, negatively impacting network resilience. With the objective to integrate a large share of renewable energy sources (RES) through the development and installation of custom-made flexibility services, the project will enable a higher energy independence, a better security of supply and better grid stability on these islands, while reducing the costs of energy for households.

Aided by innovative technology, MAESHA will demonstrate the solutions on the French overseas island of Mayotte and study the replicability potential on 5 other islands representing more than 1.2 million inhabitants. Using a community-based approach, the local populations’ best interests will be taken into consideration throughout the project.

With these activities, MAESHA is expected to reach up to 70% penetration with renewable energies and reach more than 90% of Mayotte’s population. The close collaboration between local energy utilities, communities, modellers and flexibility solutions providers will enable MAESHA to improve the energy situation on remote islands with the final objective to operate on the greatest amount of clean energy as possible.

CyberGrid’s role

The company’s proprietary flexibility management platform will be enhanced to include new flexibility solutions and adapt to the island context. As the project’s Technical Manager, CyberGrid will lead the development of island-specific and vertically integrated utility specific functions, with the purpose of enabling the island Mayotte’s DSO to efficiently manage the island’s electric flexibilities.

Aggregated by multiple systems, these flexibilities shall be combined into the specifically developed central Flexibility Management and Trading Platform (FMTP) that is able to provide ancillary services (AS) to the DSO (Electricité de Mayotte). These flexibilities can then be utilized for different grid purposes (frequency, voltage, congestion, etc.). Novel flexibility matching and coupling algorithms, GUI, and integration with different aggregation systems (e.g. RES VPP, C&I DR, BESS, Community, EV charging etc.) and DSO systems (e.g. HES, SCADA etc.) will be developed, tested, and demonstrated.

The utilization and monetization of flexibilities will be based on the island distribution grid operational needs and requirements. These will be achieved by defining data management and cybersecurity concepts, followed by deployments of aggregation toolbox for connection to local devices and systems, management and trading platform. As a result, CyberGrid’s contribution to the project will help these islands to shift from fossil fuels to clean energy.

- Partners: Engaging 10 SMEs, 3 industrial partners, 2 universities and 6 public organisations from 9 countries, MAESHA was kicked off in November 2020, gathering 21 partners to develop and deploy relevant solutions for the energy transition on six islands.

- Coordinator: Technische Universität Berlin

- Technical Manager: CyberGrid

- R&D programme: Horizon 2020

- Time frame: 2020 – 2024

Official project website


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº 957843. “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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