Magnitude EU-funded project
April 23, 2018
  • Multi-Energy Systems (MES) providing flexibility to support the integration of renewables
  • Enabling an improved level of flexibility for the European electricity system
  • Tool for multi-energy aggregation
  • Trading flexibilities on different power markets
  • Optimizing the revenues from trading energies and flexibilities

Magnitude project was successfully completed in May 2021. The project demonstrated that Multi-Energy Systems (MES) can provide flexibility to support the integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity system and to contribute to the decarbonization of the energy system. They have potential to participate in energy markets, frequency ancillary service procurement, congestion management, and capacity requirement mechanisms.

To achieve the goals of the EU Climate and Energy package for the decarbonization of the energy sector, renewable energy sources are being integrated into the system. To accommodate the power generation from such variable sources, energy markets need to evolve with the goal to enable the rewarding of flexibility from the generation, demand, or storage of energy. MAGNITUDE will bring technical solutions, market design and business models, to be integrated on ongoing energy policy discussions.

The goal of project Magnitude is to design and develop business and market mechanisms as well as supporting coordination tools to enable an improved level of flexibility for the European electricity system, by increasing and optimizing synergies among electricity, gas and heat systems.

Based on seven real-life case studies of multi-energy systems located in different European countries with different regulatory and geopolitical environments and different technological development levels, Magnitude will:

1. Simulate the multi-energy systems in the case studies and optimize their operation strategies, maximizing the provision of specific flexibility services.

2. From existing regulations, propose improved market designs, and integrate them in a market simulation platform for evaluating its performance among the case study countries.

3. Quantify the benefit of pooling flexibilities from decentralized multi-energy systems for energy markets through an aggregation platform.

The results achieved with MAGNITUDE will define policy strategies and recommendations in a pan-European perspective. Achievements will be spread among stakeholders to raise awareness and foster higher collaboration among the electricity, heating and gas sectors to achieve the common goal of a less carbon intensive, yet reliable energy system.

CyberGrid’s role

CyberGrid is a key contributor to the entire project, with particular leadership in the work package entitled 'Tools for multi-energy aggregation'. Here, efforts are focused on aggregating flexibilities by innovatively making use of cross-energy carrier synergies. CyberGrid will develop a flexibility market platform based on existing tools in order to demonstrate the possibility of trading flexibilities on different power markets, and to optimise the revenues from trading energies and flexibilities.

In addition, CyberGrid will contribute to other work packages with the practical experience of operating virtual power plants (VPP) and providing ancillary services. CyberGrid is the main contact for the Austrian case study.

- Partners: Magnitude was kicked off in the EDF Lab Paris-Saclay (France) in October of 2017. The project is coordinated by EDF and the consortium brings together 16 partners from 9 European countries (France, Austria, UK, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany) with the following profiles:

– Industrial organisations: EDF, ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA , A2A Calore & Servizi


– Research organisations: VITO, RSE, EIFER


– International associations: Euroheat & Power

Coordinator: EDF

R&D programme: Horizon 2020

Time frame: 2017–2021

Official project website

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No 774309. “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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