smartEN Symposium: Implementation of the Electricity Market Design

November 17, 2020

In 2020 smartEn, with the support of its network of member companies, monitored progress on implementation of these central articles for demand-side flexibility in 10 Member States. During the virtual Symposium, smartEn will present the main conclusions of this monitoring effort by publishing a report to provide EU institutions with an overview of progress achieved until now and encourage Member States to speed up shaping correct national frameworks. The hosting MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho, the Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson, and the German EU Presidency will exchange on opportunities and challenges related to the implementation of the Electricity Market Design to remove regulatory barriers, drive innovative data-driven energy services, foster industrial competitiveness and create new jobs across Europe. Beyond policymakers, attendees will be business representatives from innovative companies and new market players which are currently identifying new markets for demand-side flexibility to flourish.

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