Articles list

Shaping the energy future at the E-world
Explore our innovative Virtual Power Plant - CyberNoc. Discover how we drive the energy transition by monetizing the flexibility of renewable energy assets and storage systems.

World Sustainable Energy Days
As part of the World Sustainable Energy Days, we will attend the European Energy Efficiency Conference in Wels.

Consulting and marketing of BESS flexibility for maximized potential
Benefit from our extensive industry network and reliable partnerships to market the flexibility of your BESS on balancing services and wholesale markets to maximize earning opportunities.

Flexibility milestone: 100 MW aggregated in Austria with FlexRegler
We proudly reached a key milestone, aggregating 100 MW of energy flexibility in Austria with FlexRegler, driving innovation and grid stability.

6th Power Price Forecasting Summit
CyberGrid will participate in the 6th Power Price Forecasting Summit in Amsterdam (Jan 15-16, 2025). Join us to explore key topics shaping Europe's energy market, from IDAs to renewable impacts.

Road to Enlit Europe
Enlit Europe is a leading forum on energy decarbonization and digitalization. Let's connect at Enlit!

A call for regulatory innovation in Europe's electricity system
What needs to be done to achieve a decarbonized, customer-centric and competitive electricity market by 2030.

4th Virtual Power Plants Conference
Don't miss the opportunity to extensively discuss about virtual power plants!

Unlocking 30% additional revenue with Free Energy Bids through our VPP
An exclusive interview on the benefits of Free Energy Bids with Dr. Christoph Gutschi, Senior Project Manager at CyberGrid.

CyberNoc wins the Smarter E Award 2024
The flexibility management platform has been recognized in the category "Smart Integrated Energy".